Looking for a fun way to show your family some love for dinner on this Valentine’s Day? We’ve got you covered. Hearts, hearts, hearts!

With a heart shaped cookie cutter, which is a staple in the baking aisle of almost every grocery store across the country, make heart shaped sliders for the grill! To keep the heart shape easily identifiable, use it on your cheese, too.

Valentine’s Day Roasted Potato Hearts are a perfect side to go with our sliders. You can follow the recipe for flavor or make them your own. The trick to using a cookie cutter on your potatoes is to boil them (after they’ve been skinned & sliced) for 2-3 min. which will soften them up, making it much easier to work with.

They say the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Image of heart shaped slider & potatoes

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